For more than 30 years, Winterbrook professionals have provided leadership in land use planning and environmental planning across the Pacific Northwest. We have delivered creative, locally-tailored solutions and quality service to public, private and non-profit clients while earning the respect of regulators, advocacy groups and local communities.

Online Portfolio (Alphabetized)

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Bonaventure of Gresham

Bonaventure of Gresham

Winterbrook prepared applications for Bonaventure Senior Living. Applications were approved by Gresham Design Review in a single hearing.
Bonneville Power Administration Trans Line

Bonneville Power Administration Trans Line

Specialists from Winterbrook Planning assessed the potential effects of the Bonneville-Hood River project on land uses.
Bryant Road Pump Station

Bryant Road Pump Station

Winterbrook led the land use and sensitive areas review process for the siting and construction of a wastewater pump station adjacent to the Lake Oswego Main Canal.
Catlin Gabel School On-Call

Catlin Gabel School On-Call

Winterbrook provides on-call planning services to the school on a range of land use issues.
Clackamas Community College

Clackamas Community College

Winterbrook has worked with Clackamas Community College since 2003 on all phases of master planning, at all of their multiple campuses.
Clean Water Services Durham Facility

Clean Water Services Durham Facility

Winterbrook collaborated with City of Tigard planners and Clean Water Services to develop a new Plan District chapter for the city’s development code.
Columbia Children’s Arboretum

Columbia Children’s Arboretum

Winterbrook is assisting NNA Landscape Architecture with environmental documentation and permitting for trail and shelter improvements at the Columbia Children’s Arboretum.
Columbia County On-Call Planning

Columbia County On-Call Planning

Winterbrook worked as contract planning staff augmentation for Columbia County to prepare code updates, staff reports, hearing presentations, etc.
Corvallis Natural Features

Corvallis Natural Features

Winterbrook led the Corvallis natural resource and natural hazards planning project for Oregon land use planning goals 5 & 7.
Corvallis waterfront – Willamette Park

Corvallis waterfront – Willamette Park

Winterbrook assisted in determining final layout of proposed improvements so as to have minimal impact on surrounding natural resources and to ensure compliance with numerous regulations and drafting extensive findings and preparing photographic exhibits.
Cottage Grove Industrial Lands

Cottage Grove Industrial Lands

Winterbrook teamed with ECONorthwest to draft an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). Part of the project included updating the City’s 2005 Buildable Lands Inventory.

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