Bureau of Environmental Services On-Call work


Portland, Oregon 


Portland Bureau of Environmental Services 

Service Areas


Project Categories

Winterbrook Planning has worked on-call with the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) on dozens of projects over the last 25 years. Winterbrook Planning has aided with project management and permitting of pump stations, pipelines, and treatment facilities. We have conducted delineations, habitat assessments and enhancements, and have received various local, state and federal permits and land use approvals. Some key Winterbrook projects with BES include:

Willamette River CSO

Willamette River

Clean River Project

Categories: City | Government | Public Facilities
Services: Environmental Review | Natural Resource Permitting | Permitting 

Winterbrook led the permitting and environmental tasks for a series of public projects designed to remove Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) from the Willamette River. Projects included East Side and West Side CSO Tunnel, Pipeline, and Pump Station projects, Tanner Creek and Carolina Basin Stream Diversion projects, and the SW Parallel Interceptor. Winterbrook prepared environmental studies, impact assessments, mitigation and landscape plans, and procured local, state and federal permits. Key agencies included: US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish & Wildlife Service, NOAA Fisheries, DSL, DEQ, ODFW, ODOT, Union Pacific and private railroads, Metro and multiple City of Portland bureaus. Winterbrook also prepared and obtained local land use approvals for each project. Winterbrook’s thorough documentation and analysis helped the projects avoid major land use permits (e.g., Conditional Use) and obtain expedited approvals with no legal challenges or appeals.

Force Avenue Pump Station

Force Avenue Pump Station site

Force Avenue pump station

Categories: City | Government
Services: Environmental Review | Land Use Permitting | Natural Resource Permitting | Permitting | Wetland Delineation

Winterbrook conducted wetland delineations and obtained DSL concurrence for two sites along NE Force Avenue in Portland. As a result of the engineering and environmental investigations, the existing pump station will be decommissioned and the site restored to wetlands. A new pump station will be built across the street outside of wetlands.

Winterbrook provides land use and environmental guidance for the design team and is responsible for preparing US Army Corps Nationwide 27 and Section 408 permits (for levee work), as well as securing local environmental permits.

BES Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant - Winterbrook Planning project

BES Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant


Secondary Treatment Expansion Program

Categories: City | Government
Services: Environmental Review | Land Use Permitting | Natural Resource Permitting | Permitting 

Winterbrook provided land use and environmental services in support of the BES Secondary Treatment Expansion Program (STEP) at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant. The STEP work included the addition of two new secondary clarifiers and upgrade of biosolids thickening and dewatering facilities. Winterbrook completed a detailed review of land use and environmental permitting constraints, including conditions imposed by the Conditional Use Master Plan. This review resulted in a series of permitting tech memos covering all phases of the STEP project. Additionally, Winterbrook responded to land use and environmental issues to help secure building permit approvals.

Columbia River lower slough

Columbia River lower slough

Lower Slough Refugia Habitat Enhancement Project

Categories: City | Government
Services: Environmental Review | Natural Resource Permitting | Permitting 

Winterbrook led the local, state and federal permitting for this habitat enhancement project in the Lower Columbia Slough. The project was designed to enhance instream habitat for native fish species, with an emphasis on habitat for juvenile salmonids along shoreline areas. The work involved placement of large woody debris along the shoreline of two reaches of the Columbia Slough: Ramsey Reach and Wright and Moore Islands.