Cottage Grove Industrial Lands


Cottage Grove, Oregon 


City of Cottage Grove 

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Winterbrook teamed with ECONorthwest to draft an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA). Part of the project included updating the City’s Buildable Lands Inventory. Winterbrook also drafted amendments to the Goal 9 section of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and drafted a new Business Park ordinance to meet identified land need. The EOA and plan amendments were adopted by the City Council.

Winterbrook prepared a memorandum focusing on measures in the EOA and in adopted plans and ordinances designed to increase land use efficiency as well as the relationship between the City’s coordinated population projection and employment projections found in the EOA. Winterbrook assisted the City in preparing for a joint City-County Planning Commission hearing, a City Council hearing, and a Lane County Board of Commissioners meeting that led to approval of the UGB amendments.