Treasure Valley Reload Center
Project Categories
1000 Friends is grateful for the incredible work of the leaders and staff that are making this project come to reality. This win-win-win project will keep productive farmland profitable, support farming families, and enhance the local agricultural economy.
At a joint elected official public hearing held in Nyssa, Oregon the Nyssa City Council and the Malheur County Board unanimously approved the Winterbrook’s application for the Treasure Valley Reload Center – a $26 million, 210-acre rail-dependent agricultural produce transshipment facility funded by the Oregon Legislature. The consolidated application amended the Nyssa and Malheur County Comprehensive Plans, the Nyssa Zoning Ordinance, EOA and PFP, and the Malheur County and Nyssa Plan/Zoning Maps.
Winterbrook led the consultant team through the complex land use review process, which included extensive coordination with local governments and state agencies, property owners and public interest groups.